About Us

My name is Sean  and I grew up in suburban New Jersey. Even growing up in a non-rural area, I have always had a real joy for the outdoors and nature. Without ever really experiencing one, I knew long ago that I wanted to raise my family on a "farm" ( or my perception of a farm at that time ). When my wife Alison and I had our first daughter, over five years ago, we really started to pay attention to our food. Over time, we watched a couple documentaries on food, the most significant to me was "Food Inc".

Food Inc. was a huge eye opener to us about where our food really comes from. After seeing Food Inc the third time, my life was changed, and I started to seek out information about sustainable agriculture. One of the farmers spotlighted was Joel Salatin of Polyface farms. Coupling my dream of raising my family on a farm and my new understanding of how food should be grown and raised, I started reading one of Joel's books called "You Can Farm". That sealed the deal.

At that time we had just had our second daughter, and I needed to stop reading about it and start doing it. I searched eatwild.com, a great pastured based farm directory, for a local farmer that I could talk to and learn from. The search brought me to Paul at Plaid Piper Farm who had been farming the way I wanted to, and he graciouly accepted my bid for a part-time apprenticeship. Paul raises 100% Grass Fed and Grass Finished beef, pastured broilers, pastured free-range eggs, pastured pork, and pastured turkey. I was extremely excited about the opportunity since not a lot of farmers in that area were raising the variety of animals that Paul was.

At that time we were living in Northeastern PA, and I was commuting an hour to work everyday and half hour to the farm 3 days a week on top of it. My wife is from Ohio, and it was always a goal of ours from the beginning to move back out here.......to be (edited and continued)


  1. If I place an order do you ship or deliver products or do I need to pick them up? I could not find any info on this in your page?

    1. Bonnie,
      We offer a drop point in Beavercreek across from the Greene. In very special circumstances, we deliver, and we always offer pick up at our home in Xenia.(unfortunately we do not live on the farm)


      p.s. Sign up for our monthly newsletter via the link at the top right of this page. We have drop points and updates on there often.

  2. What are the prices on a 1/4 beef? Also 1/2 of hog?

  3. What are the prices on a 1/4 beef? Also 1/2 of hog?
